
Our materials are used with confidence in leading architectural, interior design and industrial projects.

This may well be the most beautiful page on our website because this is where we showcase wonderful projects that have been created using our materials. We are proud of our customers who work with our materials to create so many stunning things. And we are proud of ourselves. The fact that we are the initiators of such prestigious projects, and are often involved in their creation as a partner, gives us such a buzz. You can see it on this page.

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Cobra Studios received the beautiful assignment to create an unique meeting centre for Sparks, in Brussels Belgium. The challenges were great but sparks flew.
Next to the renowned Boijmans museum building is the Boijmans van Beuningen Depot. The imposing art depot is located in Rotterdam cannot be missed. The art depot is open for the public. The Boijmans Depot is the first art depot in the world that grants access to the public. This is unique in the art world.
In 2021, Holland Casino Utrecht relocated from the city centre to a new site on Winthontlaan, a stone’s throw from a main junction along the A12. The building was designed by OZ Architects and the interior by Gensler Las Vegas.
The organic shape of the steel structure, inspired by nature, gives it the appearance of a living thing that engages in conversation with the visitor. This effect is reinforced by the screens positioned like heads above the curved tubes. It gives the installation an identity. Is it watching you?
The founders of Old Scuola, Marco and Daniël, famed for their food trucks and pizza restaurant in Rotterdam, launched a unique and innovative project: The Transformer. This flexible, mobile pizza pavilion for large-scale event catering is innovative, hydraulic and immense!
Wanna was commissioned to create a new flagship store for Perfumerías Primor, in Plaza del Callao, Madrid. Developing a flagship store with a floor space in excess of 1500 square metres is no easy task. ‘The client’s briefing was clear. They wanted a flagship store with a “wow” effect.

Ideas are turned into reality, dreams come true, wishes are fulfilled. You come across Pyrasied’s materials everywhere.

It was time to redesign the Ace & Tate store in Amsterdam. The architects from S-P-A-C-E projects were commissioned by Ace & Tate to come up with an impressive design for the eyewear store interior.
Ace & Tate stores are both sleek and playful. This was a great source of inspiration for Plasticiet when it came to designing the Antwerp store. Besides the design, the story behind the store played a significant role.
Paulien Berendsen and Roel Vaessen of Studio Parade were commissioned to create a fitting interior design for the Maritime Masterpieces exhibition at the Rotterdam Maritime Museum. This exhibition is the last in the ‘Boijmans bij de Buren’ (Boijmans Next Door) series
Besides the challenge of using different materials for the laminated table tops, it had to be possible to remove the individual table top layers. However, it was impossible to create the desired curves in the Plexiglas selected by the architect.
Interior architect Glenn Kop of Woodfever came up with charming Art Deco elements. Light, marble and a stunning mural create a warm and stylish ambience in the interior.
To put a smile on people’s faces, apparel chain WE Fashion experiments with surprising ensembles on the catwalk. The outfits are a feast for the eyes, and fans on social media contribute to determining the looks.
The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:
1 Guarantees healthy margins

Guarantees healthy margins

Pyrasied represents a large number of Dutch and foreign top brands of plastic materials. Because, as one of the largest European plastics experts, we keep the turnover rate in our stocks of plastic materials high, we charge competitive sales prices. This means you are assured of healthy margins.

The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:
2 Offers the most choice

Offers the most choice

Since 1984, at Pyrasied you can choose from a huge stock of various types of (recycled) acrylic, environmentally friendly plastics, PETG, polycarbonate and design plastics. Thanks to our extensive experience with both plastic materials and all possible processes and applications, we offer you the most choice and options.

The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:
3 Inspires


We would like to inspire you with material solutions of today and tomorrow. For example, by sharing special projects with you. But also by developing plastic materials especially for and with you. You can be assured that we want to continue to stimulate you when it comes to material innovations.

The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:
4 Co-creates


Feel free to involve us in the development of your project. Thanks to our expertise and years of practical experience, we quickly help architects, engineers and interior builders with the right choice of materials, material processing and material applications. You can count on it that we want to work with you to make your project a great success.

The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:
5 Continues where others stop

Continues where others stop

Pyrasied continues where others give up. Thinking in solutions and possibilities is deeply anchored in our DNA. It is logical that we want to help you achieve your goals in every possible way. With materials, inspiration, advice, realization and sincere professional involvement in your project(s).

The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:
6 Realizes dreams and ideas

Realizes dreams and ideas

Every day we immerse ourselves in the world of dreams and ideas of our clients. Because Pyrasied not only supplies and processes sustainable (design) plastics, but also develops and manufactures them ourselves, we can turn almost any wish into reality. Let your imagination run wild!

The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:
7 Out of love for materials

Out of love for materials

That one sheet of plastic material can be the source of an infinite number of new worlds and creations: that makes our hearts beat faster. We are happy to share that love for the material and its unlimited possibilities with you. Because we do everything out of love for materials, you can count on top quality and top advice.

The 7 certainties of Pyrasied:

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